Shows a world map with the countries highlighted were FRS' employees are coming from..

We are Managers

Crewing and Technical Management Solutions

As Crew Manager's, we offer not just seafarers solutions, we offer the right answer to your needs, including strategic consultancy to optimize your resources, based on our expertise as Ship Owners. FRS Shipmanagement provides the ultimate Human Resource solutions of the highest standard for any maritime operation.

We provide skilled, well-trained and highly-motivated crew members worldwide, from deck, engine and catering departments, from recruitment to payroll. We follow the utmost highest safety and quality standards and comply with the requirements imposed by the MLC. We employ crew directly from various regions; European and non European, from Asian to Northern African countries.

In addition, we offer a wide range of technical solutions, specialised in the ferry industry and based on our own group expertise as ferry Owners, Managers and Operators:

  • Maintenance & repairs management and handling
  • External and internal audits & follow-up
  • Emergency response handling
  • Certificate & Class management
  • Insurance cases management
  • Technical Procurement